Universo Futurista

The exhibition Universo Futurista, curated by Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Silvia Evangelisti, focuses on the nucleus of artworks in the Fondazione’s collection that best represent the historical period in which Futurism thrived (1909-1939).

The exhibition includes a selection of artworks from the collection of the Fondazione Cirulli, and seeks to highlight some of the central themes of futurist aesthetics which finds its origins in a novel approach to the conception of artistic creation, which moves beyond the boundaries of traditional fine arts and seeks to embrace daily life in its totality, in order to become a “total art” that might engender a new bond between art and life.

Universo Futurista illuminates this new aesthetic conception through an accurate choice of painting, sculptures, design objects, architectural projects, photographs and photomontages, advertising posters and original documents of all kinds that futurist artists created between 1909 and the end of the 1930s.

This exhibition project does not follow a traditional art historical format, but rather seeks to offer an exploratory pathway through the rich and diverse materials of the Foundation’s collection.

The exhibition inlcudes over 200 artworks which encompass a great variety of media, formal solution, and measures, created by artists such Balla, Boccioni, Bonzagni, Bucci, Casarini, Chiattone, D’Albisola, Depero, Diulgheroff, Guerrini, Korompay, Licini, Marchi, Marinetti, Masoero, Munari, Prampolini, Russolo, Schawinsky, Sant’Elia, Sironi, Tato, Thayaht.


2018Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli - San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna